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Our friends at Mintel have released some interesting reports forecasting the future of the car industry in the last couple of months. There are some particularly interesting inputs as we are seemingly coming out of the recession. Yet the evidence seems to suggest that those brands who innovate reliably will benefit the most during the next decade.

The Geneva Motorshow kicks off this week, with hybrid, plug-in hybrid and fully electric vehicles seeming to be at the top of the agenda. As we look to continuously  investigate hybrid and alternative fuels technology, it is certainly beneficial to keep on top of any developments within the automotive industry.  Volvo for example have gone full steam in trying to start and participate in online conversations surrounding the announcement of their V-60 plug –in hybrid – We will be discussing the merits and methodologies of brands participating online in the coming days.

Finally,  in a previous post we have already discussed how plug-in hybrids will sit amongst in hybrids and fully electric cars – The Motorshow itself seems set to embody this debate and we will certainly be keeping a close eye on it over the next week.